Sunday, March 23, 2008

Obama's Misleading Pennsylvania TV Commercials

"I can no more disown him (Rev. Wright) than I can disown the Black community. I can no more disown him than I can disown my white grandmother." (Barack Obama)

Frankly, this is Barack doing the Okie doke, practicing deception. Rev. Wright is not synonymous with the Black community. His loony -- and hateful -- ideas are shared by SOME in the Black community but not even by a majority. There's no evidence the community believes that 9/11 was the fault of Americans, including the 3,000 innocent people killed. There's no evidence the Black community thinks the U.S. government "invented" AIDS in order to kill Black people.

Did Obama's grandmother share similar ideas? Obama never says she did. He brings her up apparently to justify his not disowning a hate-monger, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The grandmother, apparently a good human being, has nothing in common with Wright.

The grandparents seem to be people Obama can use to further his political ambitions. In his commercials, running now in PA, he speaks with reverence about the grandfather's service "in Patton's Army.” In his first book (Dreams of My Father), he describes the grandpa as marching around in the mud and never seeing real combat.

In his speech, he describes him grandmother as someone unnecessarily frightened of "big Black men" and given to making racial "stereotypes." But the book doesn't show that at all. She never even mentioned (apparently) that the man threatening her in one instance was Black. The grandfather supplies that detail.

In his commercials Obama implies he's proud of his grandma's war service on "a bomber assembly line." But in the book he calls her "Rosie the Riveter," a demeaning term.

Obama's TV commercials show him at what Gloria Borger called "at 30,000 feet." In other words, they contain pretty, conciliatory terms at variance with what Obama truly believes. He is "post-racial" in the same way that Britney Spears is a good mother. In the commercials, it's as if Rev. Wright -- and Obama's disturbing books -- never existed. We hear the most liberal -- the most ideological -- member of the U.S. Senate telling us -- unconvincingly -- how he will magically bring us together.

My frustration is that too many people hold Obama to very low standards. He's allowed to be inconsistent in what he says to us. His grandparents get criticized for holding less than enlightened views, but they get little credit for bringing up a grandson who went to Columbia and Harvard and became a U.S. Senator – and viable candidate for the presidency. Common sense tells us they must have done a lot of things right.

Is the media going to resolve the questions that remain about Obama? Don't be on it. They'd rather wave their pom poms in salute of a candidate who's supposed to be "post-racial," but seems to look at everything in life through a racial lens.


Question: Why did New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson endorse Obama, a step that James Carville called "an act of betrayal?" (Richardson lately said -- curiously -- "I am very loyal to the Clintons.")

Answer: Because he wants to be the vice-presidential nominee on an Obama-Richardson ticket.Like Senator Obama, Gov. Richardson is one of those individuals who desires to be on the public payroll forever, and so he needs the job. Also, he might help Obama some (but not a great deal) with the Hispanic vote in battleground states like New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado . . . and even New Jersey. Richardson doesn't have a Hispanic name (or appearance), and he's not especially well known outside New Mexico. In the Democratic primaries, Gov. Richardson often came across as clownish -- and incapable of generating more than a handful of votes. Also, he pandered shamelessly to the Far Left on Iraq, but that segment largely ignored him.

Would Richardson help Obama with Hispanics in Pennsylvania? Probably not, because The Keystone State has only about 390,000 Hispanics (including those too young to vote), less than 4% of the state's total population of about 12.5 million. Of course, in a very close election, Hispanic votes could make the difference. Right now, McCain has a strong lead in the Pennsylvania polls, but it's early in the electoral game.

Senator John McCain is generally strong with Hispanic voters, as he demonstrated in California, Florida, and Texas, and Obama generally has not done well with Hispanics (outside Illinois). He must do well with them if he wishes to win the general election, and McCain will not make that task an easy one.

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